All ProRomi data at a glance
The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands.
Name: Stichting ProRomi Nederland (short: ProRomi)
RSIN (or fiscal) number: 8062.77.610
Contact information:

Office: Laarweg 30, 6721DE Bennekom, The Netherlands

Objective, mission and reason for existence:
The ProRomi Netherlands Foundation has been committed to the Roma (gypsy) population in Romania for decades. They sometimes suffer from malnutrition/poor nutrition, have extremely poor housing, lack of good education and are seriously discriminated against and generally neglected by the local population and government. ProRomi therefore wants to help this target group in Romania (in particular on and around Pata-Rât in the Cluj region) to build the best possible, humane existence from a Christian background. ProRomi Netherlands is the facilitating/supporting/fundraising foundation for Asociaţia Transformarea in Romania.
About Asociaţia Transformarea: (Foundation) Asociaţia Transformarea Romania is the executive sister foundation of ProRomi in Romania. Transformarea is the employer of the employees and volunteers of the organization in Romania. ProRomi and Transformarea focus together on the following five areas of attention:
Education: For Asociaţia Transformarea, education is a very important area of focus. With sufficient education, the future of the target group looks much brighter. That is why ProRomi and Transformarea work together to stimulate education and convince parents that this is extremely important. This is done by providing advice and information, but also by making available the necessary clothing, shoes and other items for school.
Healthcare: Asociaţia Transformarea provides (or mediates in) health care and/or medical facilities. The people we focus on are often unable to pay for their own medicines or, for example, incontinence materials. We help in dire cases.
Construction projects / housing: Together with teams from the Netherlands and Belgium, we carry out construction and renovation projects for homes of families in poor circumstances.
Employment: Transformarea stimulates the self-sufficiency of the target group by means of advice and practical help. People within the target group often have little education and experience, so what is obvious to you and me is not always obvious to them, and in such a case advice and support from a party they have known for years and experience as reliable can be very helpful.
Social Social Work: Asociaţia Transformarea is concerned with the social and societal circumstances of the Roma in the broadest sense of the word. It provides social aid and practical assistance. Transformarea has its own depot from which food, clothing and all kinds of goods are distributed among the target group.
But we also regularly help with weddings and funerals. We help with arranging these, which is often complicated for the people concerned, but also often with financial resources and a suitable location.
Current Policy plan in outline: For the year 2019, the ProRomi board has adopted the following policy:
- Participation in the public debate on the position of the Roma
- Renewal of the website (s)
- Newsletters, both by post and digitally
- Broadening the target group to include elderly people in need and the disabled
- Providing speeches, information and other information about our work in Romania
Board members
Chairman: Mr. E. Voogt (Boornbergum)
Secretary: Mr. S. Regnerus (Kollumerzwaag)
Treasurer: Mr. L. Holtrust (Bennekom)
Remuneration policy for management and staff: ProRomi Nederland has no paid employees and/or board members, but does its activities with the help of volunteers. Only travel and expenses can be reimbursed after approval.
Report on the activities carried out in recent years: ProRomi has carried out the following activities:
- Discussions with politicians and government about the situation of the Romanian Roma
- Fundraising (one-off and periodic donations)
- Financing of the projects of Asociatia Transformarea (education, housing, food and medication provision, etc.)
- Publications in newsletters
- Collaboration with partners
- Speeches and information sessions about the work of Asociaţia Transformarea
Financial accountability / information for the last full financial year: Download the 2023 financial statements here (in Dutch).
Support us

The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands. ANBInummer ProRomi Nederland: 8062.77.610
Stichting ProRomi Nederland
Laarweg 30
6721 DE Bennekom
The Netherlands
Stichting ProRomi Nederland © 2017. Webdesign by Chalsey Hüpscher.