All ProRomi data at a glance

Name: Stichting ProRomi Nederland (short: ProRomi)

RSIN (or fiscal) number: 8062.77.610

Contact information:

Office: Laarweg 30, 6721DE Bennekom, The Netherlands

Objective, mission and reason for existence:

About ProRomi: The ProRomi Netherlands Foundation has been committed to support Roma gypsies in Romania for decades. They sometimes suffer from malnutrition / poor nutrition, have extremely poor housing, lack of proper education and are severely discriminated against and generally disadvantaged by the local population and government. ProRomi therefore wants to help the Roma gypsy population in Romania (especially on Pata-Rât in the Cluj region) from a Christian background to build a good, decent human life. ProRomi Netherlands is the facilitating / supporting foundation for ProRroma in Romania.

About ProRroma: Stichting ProRroma Romania manages the real estate that has been obtained from the funds made available through Stichting ProRomi Nederland. ProRroma is the employer of the employees of the organization in Romania. ProRroma focuses on the following five focus areas:

Education: ProRroma provides assistance through the construction, design and financing of ProRroma schools and offers after-school care and literacy courses for adult Roma.

Healthcare: ProRroma provides (or mediates in) healthcare and / or medical facilities. Construction projects, housing and Multi Functional Centers: ProRroma carries out construction and renovation projects in Roma villages or neighborhoods in which there is great poverty and builds new shelters for the Roma population and Multi Functional Centers for the education of Roma teenagers, women and the elderly.

Employment: ProRroma provides (or mediates in) employment for the local Roma.

Social Social Work: ProRroma is concerned with the social and social circumstances of the Roma in the broadest sense of the word. She provides social assistance and practical assistance. ProRroma has its own depot from which food, clothing and all kinds of goods are distributed to the target group.

Current Policy plan in outline: For the year 2019, the ProRomi board has adopted the following policy:

  • Participation in the public debate on the position of the Roma
  • Renewal of the website (s)
  • Renewal of our newsletters, both by post and digitally
  • Increase the number of Roma children for whom the study is sponsored in the ProRroma schools
  • Providing speeches, information and other information about our work in Romania

Board members

Chairman: Dhr. E. Voogt (Boornbergum)

Secretary: Dhr. K. Pijp (Hardenberg)

Treasurer: Dhr. L. Holtrust (Bennekom)

Remuneration policy for management and staff: ProRomi Netherlands has no paid employees and / or board members, but does its activities with the help of volunteers.

Report of the activities performed: In 2015 and 2016, ProRomi carried out the following activities:

  • Talks with politicians and government about the situation of the Romanian Roma
  • Fundraising (one-off and periodic donations)
  • Financing of ProRroma's projects (training, housing, food and medication supply, etc.)
  • Publications in newsletters
  • Collaboration with partners

Financial accountability / information for the last full financial year: Download the 2021 financial statements here.

The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands.  ANBInummer ProRomi Nederland: 8062.77.610

Stichting ProRomi Nederland

Laarweg 30

6721 DE Bennekom

The Netherlands

Stichting ProRomi Nederland © 2017. Webdesign by Chalsey Hüpscher.