Why does Proromi exist?
ProRomi has been committed to supporting Roma gypsies in Romania for decades.
They sometimes suffer from malnutrition / poor nutrition, have extremely poor housing, lack proper education and are severely discriminated against and generally disadvantaged by the local population.
That is why ProRomi wants to help the Roma gypsy population in Romania from a Christian background to build a good, decent human life.
Support us

The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities in The Netherlands as "Public Benefit Organization". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands.
ANBInumber ProRomi Netherlands: 8062.77.610
Stichting ProRomi Nederland
Laarweg 30
6721 DE Bennekom
The Netherlands
Stichting ProRomi Nederland © 2017. Webdesign by Chalsey Hüpscher.