How do we achieve our vision?
Employment is very important for adults, because that's where the income comes from. Their primary necessities are food, drink and hygiene. A healthier lifestyle is sometimes being pushed aside, because of a different view on life and a different way of living.
However, employment provision is not (yet) within ProRomi's vision.
Through Asociaţia Transformarea, the local foundation, we also focus a lot on education, especially for primary school children. We try to make parents and children realize that education is the most important thing there is for the new generation. That is the key to success. Unfortunately, it does not always get through to the parents of the children and they sometimes prefer to let them work and earn money than to send them to school. Information for and guidance of the parents is therefore also essential.
ProRomi wants to provide better housing in the form of better insulated wooden cabins of approximately 20m² that are resistant to weather conditions (temperatures from below -20° in winter to 35+° in summer) and rats and other unwanted animals. This is done under the supervision of the facilities team.
Together with the Roma ‘elders’ we decide who is next to receive a new house or renovation. We let the Roma gypsies (as far as possible) help with the construction, so that they realize how much effort, time and costs are involved. However, this is not always possible given the situation. The families often have to work every day to scrape together their daily bread.
ProRroma, another Romanian foundation, previously associated with ProRomi, has purchased a large part of the land of Pata Rat, in order to prevent the government from deciding at some point to ‘bulldoze’ the neighbourhood.
Together with several other foundations that equip us, Associatian Transformarea weekly brings food packages and sometimes diapers, clothes, shoes, blankets, etc. to many families..
Where possible, provision is also made for obtaining medicines.
Many gypsy girls get pregnant at a very young age. Transformarea works together with the Rise2Shine foundation to make the children and teenagers of the village aware that this often leads to poverty and misery. Much still needs to be done in this.
Finally, all employees of ProRomi /Transformarea also want to be there for the gypsies, who often live in miserable conditions and experience a lot of misery.
In all the above functions, but also in particular here, the Christian aspect emerges.
Support us

The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities in The Netherlands as "Public Benefit Organization". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands.
ANBInumber ProRomi Netherlands: 8062.77.610
Stichting ProRomi Nederland
Laarweg 30
6721 DE Bennekom
The Netherlands
Stichting ProRomi Nederland © 2017. Webdesign by Chalsey Hüpscher.