What does ProRomi want to achieve?
With a joint effort and God on our side, we want to serve, motivate and encourage Roma gypsies (especially at Pata-Rât in the Cluj region).
We assume that the Roma gypsies want to give self-direction to their lives and (as far as possible) should be responsible for this. The wishes and needs of the Roma gypsies are central and are used as a starting point. We therefore also work from the strength perspective and look at the strengths of the Roma gypsies.
Basic conditions for this are equality, a respectful approach and respect for the privacy of Roma gypsies.
Support us

The ProRomi Foundation has been designated by the tax authorities in The Netherlands as "Public Benefit Organization". This means that donations to ProRomi Nederland are deductible from taxable income in The Netherlands.
ANBInumber ProRomi Netherlands: 8062.77.610
Stichting ProRomi Nederland
Laarweg 30
6721 DE Bennekom
The Netherlands
Stichting ProRomi Nederland © 2017. Webdesign by Chalsey Hüpscher.